No âmbito do Projeto INNO 3D, a Biblioteca da FCT NOVA, em
parceria com o American Corners Portugal vai dinamizar o Webinário “Supporting
Creative Success: 3D Printing Services
in Academic Libraries” por John J. Burke (Gardner-Harvey Library, Miami
University) no dia 8 de novembro pelas 14h
What are the key aspects of offering 3D printing services in
an academic library setting? This
session will explore questions to consider (which printers to use? how to
maintain supplies? how to receive jobs and accept payment? how to promote the
service and interest the campus community?) as you implement and sustain a
printing service in your library. The
presenter will share his experience with providing 3D printing in a library
makerspace since 2014 and additional lessons from the library literature. Come learn how to successfully support
student learning and faculty research on your campus through the creation of 3D
John Burke is Library Director & Principal Librarian on
the Middletown campus of Miami University Regionals
(Ohio). He holds an MSLS from the
University of Tennessee and a B.A. in history from Michigan State
University. John has worked in academic
libraries for 28 years, and starte. His
scholarship centers on LMS embedded librarianship, makerspaces, and technology
for library staff. He is the author of
the Neal-Schuman Library Technology Companion (ALA Neal-Schuman) and
Makerspaces: a Practical Guide for Librarians (Rowman & Littlefield).
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