28 de Setembro a 18 de Dezembro 2020
The Dance of Death – 2020
An exhibition of miniature prints exploring and celebrating the division of labour, technology and life in a modern economy.
Prints on paper and laser engraved acrylic tiles 4.5cm by 6.5cm app.
By Philip Hunt (Artist) and Filipe Silvestre (FAB Master)
The project sets out to reinterpret Hans Holbein’s series of miniature woodcut prints “The Dance of Death” from the 16th century into a contemporary context. The artist (Philip Hunt) wanted to take advantage of the FABLAB's laser printer and its ability to miniaturize his drawings and engrave them into an appropriate material for printing. Filipe Silvestre suggested that the engraved acrylic looked so interesting they should be presented as-well and set about designing some solutions to do so.

Philip HUNT - revelar de uma exposição
Exposição agendado para set
14 / out 30
(Miniprints em
col FCT FabLab)
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